Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Dallas

At The Wilhite Law Firm, our attorneys protect the rights of motorcycle riders who have been injured in accidents in Dallas. We understand the devastating personal and financial consequences of these crashes. That’s why we work tirelessly to pursue the maximum amount of compensation for the motorcycle accident victims and families we represent.

Our Dallas motorcycle accident lawyers are committed to providing the highest level of customer service through every stage of our client’s cases. When you contact us for your free initial consultation, you will speak directly to an experienced and attentive motorcycle accident injury attorney rather than being passed off to an assistant. Our devotion to accessibility and transparency means you will feel comfortable and confident in how your case is being handled every step of the way.

One of the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Dallas

Don’t wait to talk to an understanding and skilled motorcycle accident lawyer in Dallas who can explain your options for pursuing the full financial recovery you need. Contact Dallas motorcycle accident attorneys at The Wilhite Law Firm today for a free consultation.

How Do You Know If You Have a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Under Texas law, drivers must demonstrate their ability to pay for any harm that results from accidents they cause. Most drivers obey this law by purchasing auto liability insurance that covers others’ injuries or property damage after a crash.

If you were injured in a Dallas motorcycle accident, you have the right to file a fault-based insurance claim or even a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. If you carry no-fault insurance coverage such as personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payments (MedPay) coverage, then you could also file a claim with your own provider. Contact our Dallas motorcycle accident attorney for help.

What Makes Motorcycle Accident Cases More Complicated?

Motorcycle accident cases are different from car accident cases in several important ways. In general, motorcycle accident cases in Dallas are more complicated than ones involving car accidents due to:

  • More serious injuries – Motorcyclists are much more vulnerable than vehicle occupants and frequently suffer serious injuries in accidents. Serious injuries require extensive medical care.
  • More complex claims  Motorcycle crashes require in-depth investigations to determine the cause and identify all possible responsible parties. Because the injuries are often so severe and costly, the claims process can be complex, with insurance adjusters doing everything possible to minimize the value or deny claims.
  • Anti-motorcyclist bias – Unfortunately, many people view motorcycles as inherently dangerous and consider all motorcyclists to be reckless. This bias is often subconscious but can lead to unfair assumptions of guilt.

When you work with Wilhite Injury Lawyers, you can feel comfortable in knowing that your lawyer understands the mechanics of a motorcycle and the seriousness of the injuries that people can suffer in these crashes. Your lawyer also will treat you with the respect that you deserve as a motorcyclist.

Why Do You Need a Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer to Handle Your Case?

If you were involved in a Dallas motorcycle accident caused by a negligent driver, Wilhite Injury Lawyers can help you by:

  • Evaluating your case to determine whether you have grounds for a claim against another party and how much your claim could be worth
  • Conducting a thorough investigation of the accident to uncover supporting evidence for your claim and demonstrate who was at fault
  • Taking care of the paperwork and documentation needed to file your claim
  • Communicating with insurance companies and attorneys representing the other side
  • Negotiating forcefully with the insurance company to maximize your settlement and representing you in court, if necessary

How Do You Prove Fault After a Motorcycle Accident in Texas?

A Dallas motorcycle accident attorney from Wilhite Injury Lawyers will know how to help you demonstrate that the other driver was at fault by collecting and presenting the following types of evidence:

  • Information from police accident reports such as toxicology test results
  • Photos and video footage from the scene of the motorcycle accident
  • Statements from eyewitnesses who saw the accident occur
  • Damage to your motorcycle, helmet, and riding gear
  • Medical bills, pay stubs, and other proof of your accident-related financial losses
  • Testimony from expert witnesses such as accident reconstruction specialists

How Much Is My Motorcycle Accident Case Worth?

The value of your case depends on the extent of any damage or injuries you suffered as a result of the motorcycle accident. With a successful claim, you could recover compensation for the following types of losses:

  • Present and future medical expenses you incur due to your accident-related injuries
  • Lost wages and lost future earning potential, if your accident-related injuries cause you to miss work or leave you permanently unable to return to your job
  • Repair or replacement costs for your motorcycle, helmet, and any other personal property damaged in the crash
  • The costs of the pain and suffering you endure as a result of the accident and your subsequent injuries

How Long Do You Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Texas?

Under Texas law, you typically have two years from the date of the motorcycle accident to file a civil lawsuit. This time period is known as the statute of limitations. If you wait to file a lawsuit until after the two-year deadline has expired, your case will likely be dismissed, and you will lose your right to claim compensation for your losses. For this reason, you should not hesitate to contact The Wilhite Law Firm to discuss your potential Dallas motorcycle accident claim. Our Dallas personal injury lawyers can help.

Understanding Texas Motorcycle Laws

Every motorcycle rider in Texas should understand the following motorcycle laws:

  • Motorcyclists are required to have valid class M licenses.
  • Motorcyclists under the age of 21 are required to wear approved motorcycle helmets. Those 21 and older can ride without a helmet if they complete specific training courses or purchase at least $10,000 in medical insurance coverage.
  • Motorcyclists may not transport any passengers younger than 5. Passengers under 21 must wear approved helmets, and passengers 21 and older can forego helmets if the rider has met the legal requirements.
  • While no law specifically mentions lane-splitting, motorcyclists are prohibited from lane-splitting in Texas based on Texas Transportation Code § 545.060, which requires all road users to remain within a single lane.
  • Motorcyclists may not park in the striped areas next to handicap parking spaces.

Common Injuries in Motorcycle Crashes

Dallas motorcycle accidents frequently result in severe injuries such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Face, neck, and jaw injuries
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Traumatic and surgical amputations
  • Soft-tissue strains, sprains, and tears
  • Dislocated, broken, or shattered bones
  • Internal injuries and bleeding
  • “Road rash” and burn injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Wrongful death

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Many motorcycle accidents are caused by some form of driver negligence. Common causes of Texas motorcycle accidents include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence
  • Drowsy driving
  • Inexperienced driving
  • Speeding or driving too fast for conditions
  • Failure to check blind spots
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Negligent left-hand turns
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Carelessly opened car doors
  • Defective vehicle parts
  • Poor road conditions

Motorcycle Accident FAQs

Our motorcycle crash attorneys are always available to answer questions about Dallas motorcycle wrecks. To discuss the specific facts and circumstances of your case, contact The Wilhite Law Firm for a free consultation.

If you were partially responsible for the motorcycle accident, you could still recover compensation for your losses. However, Texas follows a comparative negligence doctrine that can reduce the amount of compensation you receive based on the amount of fault you share for the crash.

For example, if you were speeding when another driver changed lanes and collided with you, a jury may determine you were 20 percent at fault for the wreck. If you were 20 percent at fault, the maximum amount of compensation you could recover would be 80 percent of the total value of your losses. However, if you were 51 percent or more at fault, you would be legally barred from recovering compensation.

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by an uninsured driver, you may still have options for recovery. Your liability insurance won’t pay for your own losses, but you may be entitled to insurance benefits if you carry uninsured motorist (UM) coverage.

You could file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver, but if they don’t have the money to pay for your losses, you may not receive the compensation you need even with a favorable verdict. A lawyer can help you determine the best way to pursue the compensation you deserve.

If an insurance adjuster contacts you to discuss your claim after a motorcycle accident, avoid apologizing or admitting fault for the crash in any way. If they ask you any questions about the accident, keep your responses brief and to the point.

Don’t offer any extra details or your opinions about the accident, as anything you say to the adjuster may be used against you later on. If you have an attorney, it’s best to simply refer the adjuster to them. If you don’t have an attorney, a lawyer can still provide useful advice about what to say and what not to say to the insurance company.

In many cases, insurance companies make lowball initial settlement offers in the hopes that desperate accident victims will accept far less than they deserve. Don’t fall for this underhanded tactic.

If you don’t feel comfortable negotiating yourself, an attorney can demand fair compensation during settlement talks on your behalf. Attorneys have the experience needed to estimate the full value of your claim and the negotiating skills needed to fight for full compensation.

After a motorcycle accident, you may be understandably concerned about the cost of hiring an attorney. At The Wilhite Law Firm, we provide our services on a contingency basis, which means we don’t get paid unless you do. We also offer free initial consultations and charge no upfront costs to start work on your case.